

TIME TO FIGHT THE MENACE : Marriage is a sacred and precious bond that ties two people together. However, it is not always a bed of roses, one has to come in contact with the thorns as well.

Three are several issues that acquire maturity. In such situations, child marriages are completely incompetent and a terrible failure.

Child marriages imposes responsibilities and burden on the shoulders of spouses, which cuts short their childhood and infringes all their fundamental rights. Underage marriage is a problem plaguing the developing world society's for centuries.

Though this practice has been in decline worldwide it is still existent in many countries in South Asia.

Various factors are responsible for child marriages, including social vulnerabilities along with the society's view of family.

Economically girls are seen as a burden, as it is assumed that they are unable to earn the bread and butter of the family. Extremely weak legislation, lack of awareness about the harmful consequences of such marriages, and , ineffective birth registration system have also contributed to the grave problem.

The problem and harm of underage marriages are unaccountable, especially for girls. The loss of adolescence is one of the most obvious of problems. The sudden shifts and roles and responsibilities at such an early age can be a cause of great amount of stress.

The time when they need support, encouragement, advice and confidence, they have to adjust to the unfamiliar environment of their new homes.

They don't get to see the world from the eyes of a child. Girls are deprived from their basic right of education .

The World Students Society thanks author and researcher Fatima Dabeer.


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