
Headline June 29, 2018/ "' *MUSIC'S BEAUTIFUL MUSTERS* "'


BUT WHY DOES MUSIC appear to ease pain?

While the exact mechanisms remain unclear, many researchers believe one reason is that because listening to music triggers the release of opioids in the brain, the body's natural pain relievers.

Dr. Daniel Levitin, of McGill University in Canada and colleagues talk about this theory in a 2013 review, citing research that found people experienced less pressure from listening to their favorite song when given-

Naltrexone - a drug that blocks opioid signals - suggesting music induces the release of opioids to ease pain.

When feeling stressed, you may find listening to your favorite music makes you feel better - and there are numerous studies that support this effect.

A study reported by MNT last month, for example, found that infants remained calmer for longer when they were played music rather than spoken to - even when speech involved baby talk.

The study researchers, including Prof. Isabelle Peretz of the Center for Research on Brain, Music, Language at the University of Montreal in Canada, suggested the repetitive pattern of music the infants listened to reduced distress, possibly by promoting ''entertainment'' the ability of the body's internal rhythms, pulses or beats.

Research suggests music lowers levels of the ''stress hormone'' cortisol.

Another study conducted in 2013 found that not only did listening to music help reduce pain and anxiety for children at UK's Great Ormond Street Hospital, it helped reduce stress - independent of social factors.

According to some researchers, music may help alleviate stress by lowering the body's cortisol levels  - the hormone released in response to stress.

The review by Dr. Levitin and colleagues, however, suggests this stress-relieving effect is dependent on what type of music one listens to, with relaxing music found most likely to lower cortisol levels.

Another mechanism by which music may alleviate stress is the effect it has on brainstem-mediated measures, according to Dr. Levitin and colleagues, such as pulse, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature; again, the effect is dependent on the type of music listened to.

''Stimulating, music produces increases in cardiovascular measures, whereas relaxing music decreases,'' they explain.

"[....] These effects are largely mediated by tempo; slow music and musical pauses are associate with a decrease in heart rate, respiration and blood pressure, and faster music increases in these parameters.

Music's effect on heart rate and its potential as a stress reliever has led to number of researchers to believe music may also be effective in treating heart conditions.

Early this year, MNT reported on a study presented at the British Cardiology Society Conference in Manchester, UK, in which researchers from the UK's University of Oxford found repeated musical phrase may help control heart rate and reduce blood pressure - though they noted more research is required in this area.

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