
Headline Oct 28, 2015/ ''' STUDENTS-INTERNET-LI​FE....! PLUS ! '''


PLUS ! '''

THE WORLD STUDENTS SOCIETY  -most lovingly called,  !WOW!  is the absolute and total ownership of every single student in the world:

''One Share Piece-Peace''  for every student in the world. The Ecosystem of the students, is of the students, for the students and by the students.

All future advertising revenues, all scholarships, endowments, funds, tangible assets, financial assets, is the exclusive ownership of every single student in the world.

*Hurry and Join Up! And Get every student in the world to join up!* 

FOR CENTURIES & 100S  SCIENTISTS who wanted to study a particular type had to visit the museum where it is kept or have the specimen sent to them.

Either way, the potential or damage was high: Fragile body part would sometime fall off during inspection or transport, causing irreparable damage 

And then to top it all, the problem is that Some of them are type specimens -that is individuals used to characterize their species. 

An animal is judged to be a member of a given species by its resemblance to the type specimen..........the Gold Standard.

Each type specimen is  ''like the Monalisa,'' said Katja Seltmann, a biologist at the Museum of Natural History at New York who specialises in biodiversity informatics.

"If an antenna or a leg breaks, all of a sudden, a really large part of the information about that organism is gone.''

Other efforts to digitize type specimens are underway. The Atlas of Living Australia harnesses the contributions of individuals to catalog every known species on the continent.

The Encyclopedia of Life, the brainchild of the renowned biologist E.O.Wilson, has published more than  1.2 million pages with  3.2 million images of species.

Generally, these projects involve   -at most-  making top, bottom and lateral images of specimens. But the Berlin museum is taking the idea to a new level.

In a cramped, darkened room in the basement, individual type specimens are placed on a rotating drum in a lightbox and photographed at many angles with a macro lens.

The team uses computer software to stitch the photographs together into a single focused image, which can be downloaded and viewed at up to 100 angles.

Depending on the size of the insect, as many as  500 images are taken at a single angle: 3,000 to 5,000 images are taken of a single specimen. The resulting data can add up to more than   100 gigabytes, far too large to download from the Web.

The team relies on compression and an algorithm similar to that used by Google Maps to load only a few portions of the images at a time on an individual screen. 

The result called  ZooSphere, is a magnificently detailed picture of the type specimen, available to anyone anywhere.

The researchers here are focused on insects, but other institutions have been trying digitize vast collections of plants, mammals and fish.

Few have attempted to provide this level of visual detail.

One of the largest efforts in the United States, called the Integrated Digitized Biocollections, is underway at the University of Florida. Financed by the National Science Foundation-

This has brought together  283  institutions in all  50 states, mostly museums and universities, to create a common language and process for digitizing images of species.

The Honour and Serving of the '' Technological Operational Research'' continues. Thank you for reading and I hope sharing the research forward.

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

''' Online Research '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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