
Headline Oct 12, 2015/ ''' IDLE STUDENTS - IDLE YOUTH '''


STUDENT  AJMAL SHAH, -KPK, PAKISTAN - was a young man with no work and zero prospects. Soaked in poverty, with a large family to support, he wisely headed for !WOW!.

!WOW! contacted  Engineer Dr. Imran Bukhari/ [Imperial College of Sciences, UK],  for skilling him and offering him a job. Student Ajmal Shah can now get on with his evening classes and his life.

His heart rendering message, that I have before me, will eventually move to ''Sam Museum of History''. I mention all this, all of the above, on his behest and insistence, for all jobless youth to consider

*The World Students Society, loving called !WOW!, belongs to every single student in the world. All jobless youth in the world, all idle students, join up. Stand up to life by being on !WOW!

AROUND THE WORLD   -almost over 300 million   15 -to- 24 year olds are not working. What has caused this epidemic of  joblessness?
*And what can abate it?*

Incontinuation,  Low Growth is the most obvious of the three factors that I listed in the last research writing. Joblessness in southern Europe has surged as economies have shrunk. South Africa's high jobless rate is stoked by the fact that it is now one of Africa's slowest growing economies.

But rigid labour markets probably matter even more. Countries that let business cartels curb competition; with high taxes on labour and high minimum wages; and where regulations make it hard to fire people, are bad places for the young jobless.

In India big factories and firms face around  200 state  and federal laws  governing work and pay. South Africa has notably strict laws on firing. Despite a few recent reforms, it is hard to fire older workers in southern European countries- [Young jobless, often living with parents whose livelihoods would be threatened, are wary of reforms]. 

North Africa and the Middle East suffer from a bloated over regulated public sector, heavy taxes on labour and high minimum wages.

So, Where the Hell Are The Skilled Ones?: Economists are now emphasising a third problem: the mismatch between the skills that young people offer and the ones that employees need.

Employers are awash with applications   -but complain that they cannot find candidates with the right abilities. 

McKinsey, a consultancy, reports that only 43% of the employers in the nine countries that it has studied in depth: [America, Brazil, Britain, Germany, India, Mexico, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Turkey].

Think that they can find enough skilled entry-level workers. Middle-sized firms {between 50 and 500 workers} have an average of entry-level jobs empty.

*The most obvious reason for this mismatch is poor  basic education*.

In most advanced economies [whether growing or shrinking]  the jobless rate for people with less than a secondary-school education is twice as high as for those with university degrees. But two more subtle reasons deserve attention,too.

Countries with the lowest youth jobless rates have a close relationship education and work. Germany has a long tradition of high-quality vocational education and apprenticeships, which in recent years have helped it reduce youth unemployment despite only modest growth.

Countries with high youth unemployment are are short of such links. In France few high-school leavers have any real experience of work.

In North Africa universities focus on preparing their students to fill  civil-service jobs even as complain about the shortage of technical skills.

The unemployment rate in Morocco is five times as high as for graduates as it is for people with a primary education.

The legacy of apartheid means that young black South Africans often live and go to school many miles from where there are jobs.

Companies used to try to bridge that gap themselves by investing in training, today they do so less.

Peter Capelli, of Wharton business school, argues that companies regard filling a job merely like buying a spare part: you expect it to fit. In 1979, he notes, young workers in large American firms received an average of two and half weeks of training a year.

In 1991 only 17% reported receiving any training during the previous year. By 2011 only  21%  reported receiving any training during the past five.

Accenture, a consultancy, says that only 21%  of the  1,000  American workers they surveyed gained new skills from company provided training over the past five years. 

The Honour and Serving of  ''Joblessness Operational Research''  continues. Thank you for reading, and I hope sharing forward. And see Ya all on the following one.

With respectful dedication to all the Leaders of the Free World. See Ya all, Your Excellencies   on !WOW!   -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

''' The Flexibility You Need '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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