
Headline Sep 21, 2015/ ''' SMART WITH WISDOM '''


PAKISTAN AND PAKISTANI STUDENTS   -the first historic hosts of the World Students Society -!WOW!  and 
Sam Daily Times   -the voice of the voiceless-    should never ever forget:

That one question the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Mohammed Nawaz Sharif is bound to ask me,  is my inference, on the way they  [Pakistani Students] related to serving their country and humanity and to the students the world over.

Giving an observation on  Too much of a good thing is never easy?!  But I will sincerely do my very best.
IT IS only natural for leaders to try to make most of their strengths. The theory of comparative advantage directs:

Students, people, as well as countries and firms, to really, really focus on what they are really good at. 

Management experts have tended to concur: one of the bestselling business books of recent years is called : Now Discover Your Strengths'', by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton.

In his younger, pre-philanthropic incarnation, Bill Gates was bent on displaying his IQ, and did his company No favours-

By coming across as arrogant and condescending during Microsoft's anti-trust trial in 1998-2001, writes one highly respected author.

LEADERSHIP skills are context-dependent:

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was undoubtedly a nightmare to work for. In 1981, her closest advisers were so exasperated with her that they produced a ''memo'' that criticised her for  breaking  'every rule of good man-management'.-

Including bullying her weaker brethren, criticising her colleagues in front of officials and refusing to give praise or credit.

The  memo  warned her that was   ''likely to become another failed Tory prime minister sitting with Edward Heath''.

But her abrasive style was exactly what Britain needed in the 1980s.

In  ''From Smart to Wise'' ,  Prasad Kaipa and Navi Radjou argue that the strengths that today's leaders are most likely to overuse are what Americans called ''smarts''.

These are the sort of skills managers pick up studying at business school or working in consultancies, such as the ability to spot patterns in a mass of data, or to use sophisticated financial instruments.

*Messrs Kaipa and Radjou point out some of the worst business scandals of recent years have involved some of the smartest people. Jeffrey Skilling put so much emphasis on  smarts  when he was the boss of Enron-

That he ignored good character and common sense. Rajit Gupta's obsession with showing how clever and  well-connected he was led him into trading inside information.*

In  ''Tipping Sacred Cows'', Jake Breeden goes further, arguing that many so called  management virtues are just as likely to be vices in disguise. Consultants encourage leaders to create a culture of organisational excellence.

But today innovation often depends on rapid prototyping and  ''good enough'' innovations, so those taking the consultants advice risk letting the best be the enemy of the good.

All these books are all valuable advises in iconoclasm. But the trouble with iconoclasm when you apply it to the analysis of leadership is that you can go on for ever. Many successful leaders are successful precisely because-

 They push their strengths to the limit. Richard Branson has turned Virgin into a global brand by relentlessly exploiting his two biggest strengths:
his ability to take on  ''big bad wolves''  : 

Firms that are overcharging and underserving the public  -and his talent for infusing Virgin with counter cultural personality. 

The very  over-the-topness of his stunts, whether it is crossing the Atlantic in a power boat or parading around in drag, is vital to his success. 

Students, Managers who rely too much on their strengths may become hammers that see every problem as a nail. Over-forceful bosses can turn their subordinates into patsies.; 

Consensus obsessed bosses can institutionalise dithering. It is not difficult to to find examples of   ''strengths- turned -weaknesses'' in politics.

President Barrack Obama's talent for lofty rhetoric has distracted him from the nuts and bolts of policymaking.  President Francoise Hollande's passion for being Mr Normal has rendered him too small for grand office.

The Honour and Serving of  ''Operational research''  on Leadership, Management, Governance continues. Thank you for reading and see ya all on the following one.

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of the world. See Ya all on !WOW!   -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

''' Leadership Indices '''

Good Night and God Bless

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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