
What good is Money without Self-Meaning?

Thinking About Money? Take Time for Self Reflection Instead.

"Time is money." See how the two resources influence our ethical behavior. Many observations suggest thta having yourself primed to think about time triggers greater self-reflection. Self-reflection may be a simple exercise, but it is an important one: it reminds us of our YES--that we want to be good people. We're still unable to behave in manners consistent with this answer, partially because of how rich we are. I've also seen that the more money a man has, the more kind and helpful he is towards others. Certainly because he has more resources to share with others.
Other examples show that money makes us less compassionate and behave in selfish ways, partly due to being more focused on money.

By recognizing the pervasive effects money can have, we can be more mindful of our actions and make time to think about time.

We desire to see ourselves as good people, triggers self-meaning behavior in us.Time is a precious commodity and making students think about it makes them more aware of how they should conduct themselves. It makes them not to pursue mindless materialistic aims. Priming people to think about time (for example by having them count calendar days), rather than money, lead to less selfish and more ethical behavior in my experiments.

Money is a prominent item in Western psyche and present all around us in our lives. This somewhat explains why, though we want to be good people, we so often deviate from our ethical boundaries.

A new model of business student is foot: Social Impact, it is called. Business schools are "rebranding" to become this new identity. The identity of the student, who has realized that mindless self-investment into the false idol of material things for their sake, is an empty void. A fast track to an empty soul. This trend is changing. Business students in developed states have now started to become much more aware, understanding the self-meaning. Their astutely confess about thinking about "why" they are pursuing wealth. They are seriously thinking about what their legacy will be at the time of their departrue from the physical world? These questions are centre of focus for them. Of course, the people who would want to criticize will quickly point out that this paradigm shift has a hidden guilt. A 'moral support' which saves you from feeling bad about your painful struggle for gaining luxuries. The question is - Is it a guilt or a real concern that is shaping the new identity. I'm not sure the question is of any importance.


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