
Headline, February21, 2014




'''  !!! SUMMLY'S FOUNDER,  Nick d' Aloisio, is only, just  17.  Yes = 17 !!! '''      He created an iPhone app to summarize articles in 300 to 400 words, ideal for smartphone user wondering what he should bother reading.

Yahoo purchased  "Summly"  for a reported $30 million.

And it was Yahoo's clear thinking boss Marissa Mayer, who didn't wait until Mr d' Aloiso left school. For then, it would have been far, far too late:

!WOW! -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless gives him a standing ovation and hopes to have Nick join up for more inventions  

BUT for every irresistible force there must be an immovable challenge or object. Author Terry Pratchett's masterly work :  Raising Steam    -this function is fulfilled by a group of zealots.

They are dwarves known as   ''grags''   who manage to combine the delights of bigotry and racial purity with a complete,  complete disdain for modernity, which they see as a threatening force and an insult to tradition.

Reactionary fundamentalists to the core,  the  grags  indulge in waves after waves of terrorist v iolence in which they attack the wellnigh  indispensable  ''clacks''   -the telegraph system that  dots  the landscape.

And they then attempt to derail the imminent  railway system  that is spreading along the region like  ''wildfire''.

The Internet was initially created as a way for government and academic institutions to communicate :  email and file sharing.

The advent of the  Web browser  ushered in several decades of innovations that led to the emergence of  new computer systems  and computing platforms.

This era cannot be attributed to a single invention, person or even company. Key factors included  TCP/IP  and  Ethernet  as standard  communication protocols, personal computers reaching affordable price points:

That enabled pervasive deployment of broadband. In this era, the best computer scientists mastered foundations, standards and vendor tools, developed a deep appreciation of business, and began to consider computing's societal implications.

During these eras, end user computing devices dramatically changed. In the early days of   ''online access''  they were  ''dumb terminals''  stateless devices such as the  3270  for S/390 connected over System Net Architecture protocols.

Unix workstations came and went. There was a period when the end point was standardized around Windows,  TCP/IP  and browsers.

Since then, the Industry keeps throwing up one transition after another. Apple's Macintosh computer started a comeback along with the emergence of fantastic devices like smart phones and on and  on. All are capable of doing great productive work in a connected world.

And then,  and then, the way organizations and businesses consume IT has gone through many stages, oscillating between integration and components.

The mainframe represented a fully  integrated system  for which a single vendor provided all the parts.

The Unix era represented a  100 percent  reversal of this: Clients could buy servers,  OSs,  middleware, storage, and applications from a different vendors.

Although clients initially found this desirable, in the end it turned out to be labor intensive and led to the growth of the  IT  service industry, with many, many companies and businesses outsourcing their IT operations to other companies.

This delivery method is now being challenged with yet another  delivery model:  "'' Cloud Computing '''.

Both computer technology and the IT industry have gone through dramatic changes,  including  upheavals brought  on by innovation and standardization.

The honour and the Post continues:

With respectful dedication to the Students, Professors and Teachers of Russia. See Ya all on !WOW!  -the World Students Society Computers-Internet-Wireless:

''' The Year-Around > Cyber Olympics '''

Good Night & God Bless!

SAM Daily Times - the Voice of the Voiceless


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