
''Mahatama Gandhi-Boris Pasternak-Albert Einstein-Pro Bono''

In 1917, although the Peace Prize is is suspended during the First World War, the Red Cross receives an honorary award, the first in a unique hat-trick -1917, 1944, 1963.

But in 1918,Swedish writer Axel Karifeldt becomes the first person to decline an award, refusing the Literature prize on the grounds that too many Swedish writers had already received it -though there had only been two. He is awarded the prize posthumously in 1931.

In 1921, Albert Einstein is awarded the Physics Prize, But Not for his Theory of Relativity.The Nobel Committee is not interested in theoretical Physics, so it awards him the Prize for his studies of the photoelectric effect instead.

The Nobel Prize Ceremony for 1924 is cancelled because of lack of interest. Willern Einthoven -the Medicine winner is off travelling and Wladyslaw Reymont awarded the honor for Literature calls in sick.

On wards to 1944, the The Pro Nazi Prime Minister of Norway Vidkin Quisling tries and fails to take control of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

In 1962, US Scientist Linus Pauling follows Marie Curie as he becomes only the second two-time Nobel Laureate when he follows up his 1954 Chemistry Prize with a Peace Prize for his campaign to end the open-air testing of nuclear weapons. In 1911, Curie earned a Chemistry Prize to add to her 1903 Physics award.

But in 1964 after winning the Literature Prize for exerting ''far reaching influence on our age''. Jean Paul Sartre turns it down, saying it would compromise his integrity as a writer and thinker.

And on the other hand Mahatama Gandhi, the inspirational advocate of non-violent political resistance never won an award despite being nominated five times.

In 1948, the year in which Gandhi died, no Peace Prize was awarded, on the grounds that ''no suitable living candidate'' ---at the time, the Peace Prize was never awarded posthumously.

Apparently, some member of the Nobel Committee believed that his peaceful protests would degenerate into violence; others feared harming Anglo Norwegian relations.

In 1958, Boris Pasternak the author of Doctor Zhivago was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, but the Soviets condemned the work ''for its non acceptance of the socialist revolution'' and compelled him to refuse it. He was subsequently dismissed from the Soviet Writer's Union. He died two years later. His work remained banned in his homeland until 1988.

In 1973, A year after the US has been condemned worldwide for bombing of Hanoi, the peace Prize goes to Henry Kissenger the US Secretary of State, and Le Duc Tho of North Vietnam for negotiating the Peace accord. Le Duc Tho refused the award on the grounds that Vietnam remained partitioned.

Pro Bono the U2 is a double Nobel nominee.

Many thanks to !WOW!

Good Night & God Bless.


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